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South African Sounds Music played an import role in the struggle against apartheid, some of which you can get by ordering the CD below. Important reisitance music was produced by South African artists. Internationally these was a cultural boycott. Under the cultural boycott many international artists refused to perform in South Africa, including at the Sun City resort complex in the Bophuthatswana banstustan. Those who did perform were boycotted and subject to protests. Shows such as Ipi Tombi, which were seen as supporting apartheid, were also targeted for protest. This teaching guide will help today's students, both in the U.S. and South Africa, learn about this music of resistance. 5,000 copies of the Teacher's Guide will be sent to libraries and schools in South Africa. The teaching guide includes excepts from Southern Africa magazine, previously published by Southern Africa Committee. CARNEGIE HALL presents GLOBAL ENCOUNTERS: SOUTH AFRICAN SOUNDS 2002-2003 TEACHER'S GUIDE By Joan L. Zaretti There are three items in this set, a Teachers Guide and poster produced by the World Music Programs of Carnegie Hall and a music CD produced by Wrasse Records. The two-sided poster includes a map, chronology, information on South Africa's new constitution and listing of other resources. To order the Teaching Guide and poster e-mail Carnegie Hall Education or call the 212-903-9670. Click here to order the music CD online from Amazon.com This two CD set includes 33 tracks of music from over 30 groups from the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. It includes Lake Tshoni "Langa" by Mariam Makeba and the Manhattan Brothers and Congratulations South Africa by Ladysmith Black Mambazo. Even if you are not interested in the teaching guide you may want to own this excting collection. From the Preface of the Teaching Guide The Global Encounters: South African Sounds Teacher's Guide and corresponding materials can be used as a companion to the Global Encounters program or as a stand-alone classroom activities and resource for teachers. The Teacher's Guide is targeted for ninth and tenth grade global studies and music classes, but it can be adapted for use in middle, junior high, and high school social studies, music and humanities courses. The materials are designed to be implemented by teachers of these classes, and provide them with an opportunity to integrate music from South Africa into their existing curricula. The Teacher's Guide is divided into the following sections: Introduction: South African Sounds --- The introduction provides a general overview of the music of South Africa and the urban musical genres that are used throughout the three themes. Theme 1: Sense of Place --- The first theme focuses on images of place in music, as well as the spaces and locations of musical performance. Theme 2: Source of Resistance --- The second theme explores how music is used as a form of protest both locally and globally. Theme 3: Spirit of Liberation --- The third theme concentrates on musical expression and process after liberation. From the Introduction of the Teaching Guide 1. Objectives The student will understand how the study of South African music can contribute to the understanding of the history of South Africa. how different genres of urban South African music reflect different aspects of urban life in South Africa. how South African musicians serve as both local and global voices of South Africa. Barbara Brown of the African Studies Center Outreach Program, Boston University served as an editorial consultant on the poster and teaching guide. John Metzler of the African Studies Center, Michigan State University served as an editorial consultant on the teaching guide. The Teaching Guide includes reprints from Southern Africa magazine, previously published by Southern Africa Committee. [Home to Southern Africa Committee] |